Trauma-Informed Teaching

Put Your Quality Funding to Work! These books on Trauma-Informed Teaching/ Building Resiliency are for the classroom or for Home Visits.

Reading the appropriate books is an extremely helpful way to begin conversations with children and families dealing with trauma.

These books, vetted by a Librarian, will be read again and again.

7 Resilience Books
Head Start and Early Head Start programs play a critical role in buffering the impact of trauma by promoting resilience for children, families, and staff. The effects of trauma are lessened by protective factors such as strong parent-child relationships; relationships between staff, children, and families in Head Start and Early Head Start programs; and through relationships and supports within the community.
5 Stories That Heal the Heart and Puppet
Did you know that reading a book at least 6 minutes a day will reduce stress by nearly 70%? One simple read-aloud can do triple duty: increase empathy, support brain development, and reduce stress! (Damon, 2019)
5 Strengthening Relationships Books
Trauma disrupts two basic human needs: safety and community. Relationships are an important part of each. Children need friends and sometimes it is hard for them to make friends, especially if reactions to trauma in their lives get in the way.
37 Trauma Informed Teaching Books

31 Trauma-Informed Teaching Books plus one box of 48 Conversation Cards

  • Conversation starters
  • They help give language to both adults and children on difficult subjects.
  • They let the reader know they are not alone.
  • This list is intended to be helpful to directors, teachers, and parents.

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